Field Trips

A fantastic way to bring kids in touch with nature while learning! 

Use the signup form at the bottom of the page! All field trips fit within the Maine Education Standards.

Basic Tour –appropriate for any age! Minimum 3 children 
Students get to enjoy one of New England’s special treats; apples fresh from the trees. All participants will receive a ¼ peck of apples and a 10- minute farm tour and apple picking lesson, as well as a taste of our fresh cider.

Costs for the basic tour are:

$3 per child, 12 children or more

$4 per child 7-12 children

$6 per child 3-7 children

Classic Tour: 
Our young students will pick ¼ peck of apples, receive a taste of cider, and receive a 45 minute educational lesson. This will involve an apple taste test comparison, a cider tasting, and a Q&A about how trees take care of themselves and how we take care of them! Please expect 1.5 hours total. Larger groups will rotate through each educational area.

Costs for the classic tour are:

$6 per child, 10 children or more

$7 per child, 5-10 children

$8 per child, 3-5 children

Ecosystem Tour, minimum three participants: 

For ‘students’ of any age from middle school through adult! A one hour walk through our orchard, answering questions about our ecosystem, what it means to be one of Maine’s only organic orchards, how we take care of our trees, and what you can do to help your own ecosystem.

$5 per child, 8 students or more

$7 per child 5-8 students

$10 per child 3-5 students


We also provide scheduled topic specific tours and workshops for adults and curious kids! Check out our events page to see a listing of all current activities on our farm! 


Field Trip Sign Up

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 50.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
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