Education & Tours


Field Trips are a wonderful way to learn and connect to nature!

All of our field trips are designed to fit the Maine education standards and can be uniquely designed to fit all grade levels and many subjects.

A note on availability: Please note that during September and October we only offer educational tours beyond the ‘basic tour’ during the week, not on weekends. Typically before noon. The basic tour can happen on the weekends before 11am, but not on the last weekend of September (during our bluegrass festival), or on Columbus Day weekend, as we are very busy with retail customers at those times.

Fall Options:

Basic Tour: ($3 per child, any age)
Students get to enjoy one of New England’s special treats; apples fresh from the trees. All participants will receive a ¼ peck of apples, a taste of cider, and a 10- minute farm tour.

Classic Tour: ($6 for Pre- K – 5th grade, plan for 1.5 hours)
Our young students will pick ¼ peck of apples, a taste of cider, and receive a half hour educational lesson with a Q&A about organic orcharding in maine. Depending on the age of the students, we can also delve into soil health and the microbiome!

Family Tour: ($10-$22 pp.)

We also happily host mini tours and workshops for adults and families who come to our orchard. This can be a great gift for anyone who loves the outdoors and picking apples, or wants to plant a tree. We will give you an hour long personalized tour of the orchard, and answer questions about growing fruit  in Maine. Tour minimum is 2 people, and for $12 we will add on a customized delicious picnic lunch from our farm store. Kids are free, kids lunch $8. These tours are only available during the week, Mondays all day, and Tues-Friday between 9am-12pm.

Field Trip Sign Up

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